
Showing posts from February, 2023


  In the garden where I roam, Stands a tree I call my own, Its branches stretch up high and free, A loyal friend it's been to me. The leaves rustle in the breeze, A symphony of sounds that please, And when the sun beats down with might, Its shade is a cool respite. But it's not just the tree's beauty, That has captured my heart truly, For in its roots lies a love, That connects us both from above. Through the soil, our love does grow, As the tree and I both know, It gives me life, and I give care, Together, a bond we both share. For in this love between tree and me, Is a lesson for all to see, That nature and humans can unite, In a love that is pure and right .

Why some people may be naturally faster runners than others?

 There are several factors that can affect a person's ability to run fast, including genetics, training, nutrition, and body composition. Here are some explanations for why some people may be naturally faster runners than others: Genetics: Some people may have a genetic predisposition to running faster. This could be due to factors such as muscle fiber composition, lung capacity, and overall body structure. Training: Regular and consistent training can improve running speed. This involves a combination of cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, and technique improvement. Those who have put in more time and effort into training tend to run faster. Nutrition: Proper nutrition is important for optimal athletic performance. A diet that includes a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as sufficient hydration, can help improve running speed. Body composition: A person's body composition can also affect their running speed. Those with a higher percentage of lea

Science's great unknowns: 5 unsolved questions

1 .  What is the universe made of? Ans-  The universe is made up of a variety of different components, including matter, energy, and dark matter. Matter is composed of atoms, which in turn are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These particles are held together by the strong and weak nuclear forces, which are mediated by particles called bosons. Energy, on the other hand, can take many different forms, including electromagnetic radiation, kinetic energy, potential energy, and thermal energy. Energy is also intimately linked with matter through the famous equation E=mc^2, which shows that matter and energy are essentially interchangeable. Dark matter is a mysterious substance that appears to make up about 27% of the total mass-energy density of the universe. It does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, and its presence is inferred only through its gravitational effects on visible matter. Finally, there is also dark energy, which is an even more mysterious force that seems to be


 Life is like a river that flows, From the mountains to the sea it goes. Sometimes it's calm, sometimes it's rough, But it never stops, that's enough. Life is like a never-ending book, Full of stories and adventures, if you take a look. It has twists and turns, highs and lows, But it keeps going, and that's how it goes. Life is like a puzzle, complex and strange, Sometimes the pieces fit, sometimes they rearrange. It can be frustrating, but it's also fun, To see how it all comes together, when it's done. Life is like a canvas, blank and new, Waiting for us to paint our own hue. It can be colorful or plain, But it's up to us, to create our own stain. Life is like a garden, with seeds we sow, It needs care and love, for it to grow. It can be beautiful, full of grace, But it needs our effort, to keep up the pace. Life is what we make of it, that's true, It's up to us, to create something new. With each passing day, we have a choice, To live it to the fu

Unbounded Love

    In my mind, I imagine you, A love that I have never knew. A smile so bright, a heart so true, My love for you, forever grew. I see us hand in hand, walking in the sand, Watching the sunset, with love so grand. Your eyes, like stars, shining so bright, Together, we'll conquer the darkest night. I imagine your touch, gentle and warm, Comforting me, through any storm. With you by my side, I have no fear, Your love, my darling, is always near. Though you may not exist, in this world so real, My love for you, my darling, is how I feel. A love so pure, a love so bright, My love for you, will always shine so bright. I imagine your embrace, so tight and true, Comforting me, through the darkest night, too. With you by my side, I have no fear, Your love, my darling, is always near. Though you may not exist, in this world so real, My love for you, my darling, is how I feel. A love so pure, a love so bright, My love for you, will always shine so bright.

Why You Should Not Study Chemistry

  Chemistry is a crucial subject to study for many reasons. Here are some of the most important benefit s of studying chemistry: Understanding the world around us: Chemistry helps us to understand the world around us by explaining the properties and behavior of matter and how they interact with each other. Career opportunities: Chemistry is a broad field with many different career paths, including medicine, environmental science, materials science, and chemical engineering. Problem-solving skills: Studying chemistry helps to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as you learn to understand complex chemical reactions and processes. Innovation: Chemistry plays a vital role in many areas of innovation, from developing new medicines and materials to creating sustainable energy solutions. Improving everyday life: The knowledge